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Online Safety

Online safety is very important and as a school we take it very seriously. Below are several links that, as parents and carers, you might find useful.

In conjunction with Vodaphone, Parent Zone is a website full of useful information about keeping children safe online and there are back copies of their magazine called 'Digital Parenting'. This website is full of up-to-date information and articles about online issues. If you would like a digital copy of the magazine, click here to go to the website to download a copy.

Please click on the hyperlink to be taken to the children's e-safety page.



Please find a selection of useful links relating to online safety below:

Mental Health

Good mental health is important and  Parent Zone have created a web app in order to try to help children vocalise their concerns, called Ollee.

Introducing Ollee: a parent and child’s best friend click here to go to the web page

'At Parent Zone, we already know that parents are doing a great job and that they want to do a great job – and we believe they should have the best possible resources to do that. And that’s why we’ve created Ollee.

Ollee is a virtual friend for children aged 8-11, available via a web app. It was created by Parent Zone and is funded by BBC Children in Need’s A Million & Me initiative, which aims to make a difference to children’s emotional wellbeing.'

For additional support and information from Parent Info click here.



Be Internet Legends

Click here to play Interland - games to reinforce learning about being safe when playing games online.


Think U kNow

A useful website for parents...

...and children



Report Remove - Childline

Childline has created a tool that might be useful if the situation arose where an inappropriate image of someone close to you was discovered online. It's called 'Report Remove'.

Please click here to find out more on the NSPCC website.

The 'Report Remove' tool can be found here.


Parent Zone

Please find some useful Parent Zone links below:






Goldilocks - A Hashtag Cauntionary Tale


NSPCC - Talk Pants

Talk PANTS helps children understand that their body belongs to them, and they should tell someone they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried.

This simple guide from the NSPCC, (for parents (click here), and this child-friendly one (PDF)), will help parents talk PANTS with their child.

Click here to go to the NSPCC website.


Please find further resources below: